Electronics 3: Embedded Systems and IoT
This course introduces micro-controllers, or small programmable computers, into circuit design. We use the Arduino Uno controller for our classes due to it’s ease of use, low cost and availability. Concepts learned in this course can be applied to most other common controllers available today. The specific layout of the course is still under development. It will include micro-controller basics, A/D and D/A converters, programming environments (Arduino), library usage and how to connect student designed logic and analogue circuits.
Status: Course design in progress
- this course requires Programming 2 as a prerequisite.
- the amount of material covered in this course may require breaking it into two separate courses.
- if broken into 2 courses coverage of ESP32 and similar controllers would be desirable.
Additional Resources
Electronics 3: Embedded Systems and IoT Course Outline – detailed course syllabus